English & Maths

Katie Fielding

Studying a degree in Paramedic Science at Liverpool John Moores University.


  1. Studying a degree in Paramedic Science at Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. Functional Skills in Maths and Health & Social Care.

  3. Hillside High School, Bootle.

  4. Hopefully I will be a fully qualified Paramedic.

Katie said:

I found it difficult to pick a College after leaving High School, but knowing that I could re-sit my Functional Skills in Maths at Hugh Baird College and still study the Health and Social Care course I wanted to, made the decision easy for me.

By completing the Functional Skills in Maths alongside my course, I have now been able to apply for the Paramedic Science degree course at Liverpool John Moores University to study to become a Paramedic, I wouldn’t be able to do that without being able to re-sit my Functional Skills in Maths.

The course at Hugh Baird College has helped me gain more confidence, social skills and new friendships. I have also gained work experience at multiple organisations working with different age ranges in the different early year settings. I found my tutors to be very helpful and always there to support you every step of the way to ensure we meet our full potential.

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