Hugh Baird College students join forces with the Sea Urchins to celebrate Centenary
Hugh Baird College students have joined forces with The Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) Officers’ Club, Liverpool to assist in the club’s Centenary celebrations.

The RNR Officers’ Club Liverpool, based at HMS Eaglet and more commonly known as the Sea Urchins, was formed in 1921 and its membership consists of serving and retired officers of the Royal Navy, the Royal Naval Reserves and the Merchant Navy.
To mark their Centenary, the Sea Urchins are holding their 100th Annual Dinner at HMS Eaglet on the 26 November 2021 and have invited Hugh Baird College students to create a special commemorative cake and dress the venue in floral creations.
The College’s Hospitality and Catering students, who have been researching the history of the Sea Urchins, will decorate their cake creation with the Club’s crest and motto, ‘Hold Fast’. The College’s Floral Design students will assemble the venue’s floral creations.
Stephen Otty, Hugh Baird College Curriculum Manager, said:
We consider it a great honour to have been asked and to be involved with the Centenary celebrations of the Sea Urchins. Many of our students have personal connections to the extensive Maritime history of our region and they are proud to be involved with the celebrations.
Victoria Lyon, Study Programme Coordinator at Hugh Baird College, said:
The students have enjoyed finding out about the history of the Club and putting their research into designing a cake fit for its 100th Annual Dinner.
Our Floral Design students have been hard at work planning the floral creations for the dinner venue at HMS Eaglet and they are really looking forward to bringing it to life on the 26 November.
The Club’s President, Lieutenant Commander John Glover RD RNR said:
How brilliant that Hugh Baird College students want to help us celebrate our Centenary and have taken the time to research the Club. They are the next generation and I would hope that maybe some of them would go on to work in the Maritime sector which is a great career, but then, of course, I am biased!