Self-Love: The Key to a Happy Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, with the main focus being on love within a relationship, typically with a partner. However, what most people forget is that the most important love a person can have in their life is self-love! Why? Well, how you treat yourself shapes who you are, your relationships and how you act in your day-to-day life.

So.. what is self-love? Self-love is when an individual takes time to show themselves kindness, whether that be physically, mentally, or spiritually.
Here are 3 examples of how you can show yourself self-love:
1. YOU time
It is essential that you take some time for yourself everyday (yes.. we know this can be difficult), even as little as 5 minutes. Taking a moment for yourself each day allows you to unpack any busy thoughts, which helps you to think clearly and relieve stress.
Examples of acts include: a skincare routine, a soothing bubble bath, a walk in nature, cooking and reading a book.

2. Gratitude
Why not try starting and ending your day by writing 3 things you are grateful for in your life. By jotting these positive affirmations down, you are starting and ending each day with a positive outlook!
Examples include: I am grateful for the sun shining, the great sleep you had and the lovely breakfast you are about to make. Examples of acts include: a skincare routine, a soothing bubble bath, a walk in nature, cooking and reading a book.

3. Personal Boundaries
Did you know your NOs are just as powerful as your YESs? Well, it is essential to understand your own personal boundaries when it comes to relationships, work and your general life.
By creating your own personal boundaries, you are protecting yourself and honouring your needs. This act has multiple benefits, including, avoiding burn outs, improving self-esteem and mental well-being.

This is your sign to celebrate yourself, not only this valentine’s day but every day, by spending time doing something for YOU! Question yourself, what are the things that bring you happiness?